Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Zee Pain is in Zee Mind

A book found its way to me on Sunday evening. It appeared on a coffee table and no one knew how it got there. But I knew it was meant for me. Healing Back Pain The Mind-Body Connection by John E. Sarno M.D. Without drugs/without surgery/without exercise

I have been suffering from pain in my right shoulder for the last three years. Two weeks ago the other one "went out". I've been to the doctor and had x-rays but nothing physical shows up, I still have full range of motion...but the pain persists. Sometimes it is so severe I cannot work, sometimes I think I am healed and feel no pain at all, but it always returns.

I know many other people who complain of this pain. My ex-husband suffered severe back pain: the house is filled with heating pads, ice packs, painkillers--we even bought a hot tub. But I knew all this pain was something else...

TMS: Tension Myositis Syndrome...your body is producing physical pain to divert your mind from some repressed anxiety or emotion. Have you ever seen the "depression hurts" commercials? The good doctor's premise is that tension-causing events or situations in your life coupled with a restricted flow of oxygen to your muscles create this pain.

I have only read 20 pages of this book and am better able to control my shoulder pain. When the pain strikes I put myself into a more positive mood...I've been asked, "Well, how can you do that if you're stressed or things are out of control in your life?" You just's better than being in pain.

I can think of at least 4 people who need this book as a Christmas gift. He has another one too---Mind Over Back Pain.

Be Healed!!!

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